DVGWDVGW and DIN-DVGW certificates and attestations
Produkt | Medium W=Wasser/water | DVGW / | DVGW / | EG-Baumuster-prüfbescheinigung | EG type examination certificate | |
Absperrschieber | ||||||
Type 2004-3004-4004 | G | |||||
Type 2004-4004 | W | |||||
Hausanschlussarmaturen und Anbohrarmaturen | ||||||
Type 1004 | W | |||||
Type 1004 | G | |||||
TOP/TOPsi | W/G | |||||
Absperrklappen | ||||||
Type 451 | W | |||||
Type 4510 | W | |||||
Hydranten | ||||||
UFH 304/305 | W | |||||
ÜFH 494/495 | W | |||||
Düsenrückschlagventile | ||||||
Type 8015 | W | |||||
Druckrohrformstücke | ||||||
DN 40 - 1200 | W | |||||
DN 40 - 600 | G/W | |||||
KS-Formstücke für PVC-U- oder PE-Rohrleitungssysteme | W |